Post by Arlekin on Feb 11, 2015 18:26:32 GMT
So i assume you are going to make some custom mods to change the angles ? Someone, somewhere mentioned editing .bsg file, how about that ? Have you tried it Zeblote ?
Post by zodium on Feb 11, 2015 18:32:45 GMT
I added you on Steam, would definitely like those different rotation steps. :v
Post by gOitRe on Feb 11, 2015 18:36:06 GMT
Very nice Zeblote May I suggest to move the thread in the modding section, where it feels more appropriate (at least to my eyes)?
Post by Arlekin on Feb 11, 2015 18:57:28 GMT
Does anyone else think this one should be moved ? For me it perfectly fits here, if anything there could be another thread about this different angles thing, but while i understand gOitRe reasoning i think it fits better here than there.
Post by Zeblote on Feb 11, 2015 19:04:28 GMT
So i assume you are going to make some custom mods to change the angles ? Someone, somewhere mentioned editing .bsg file, how about that ? Have you tried it Zeblote ? The bsg file format is terrible to edit manually, you'll just mess it up. It would only allow you to rotate existing blocks either - which isn't what we want to do. I'm not sure how to release it as a mod. The rotation steps are hardcoded so I have to edit a few opcodes in order to change it, you'd have to replace Assembly-UnityScript.dll in order to install it. But then you could install only one "mod" at a time, which is crap. You can't really create an external "mod loader" either as all the cool c# methods to edit other methods at runtime aren't implemented in the old mono version unity uses. Very nice Zeblote May I suggest to move the thread in the modding section, where it feels more appropriate (at least to my eyes)? I don't think I can move it, at least there is no button.
Post by Arlekin on Feb 11, 2015 19:12:56 GMT
Will the situation be better in the wake of introduction Unity 5 to the project ?
Post by Zeblote on Feb 11, 2015 19:18:30 GMT
Unity 5 won't change much about modding, it's just a different version of the engine. They still use the same old crappy mono that everyone hates because Xamarin wants ridiculous licensing fees and unity refuses to pay them. That's the situation since years :/ and the whole reason why they started the IL2CPP project.
The situation will be better once the devs start officially supporting modding - with an official mod loader, extensive API and callbacks so you don't have to patch in hooks yourself, etc